Franziska Hackl

Geboren in Wien, absolvierte Franziska Hackl ihr Schauspielstudium am Max Reinhardt Seminar. Danach war sie u.a. am Schauspielhaus Wien und dem Theater Basel engagiert und spielte am Schauspiel Köln und dem Burgtheater. Sie arbeitete u.a. mit Simon Stone, Ulrich Rasche, Nora Schlocker, Felicitas Brucker und Sebastian Schug. 2011 wurde ihr der Nestroy in der Kategorie «Bester Nachwuchs» verliehen. Für ihre Darstellung der Mascha in Simon Stones «Drei Schwestern» wurde sie 2017 im Theatermagazin «Theater heute» mehrfach als «Beste Schauspielerin» nominiert. In den Jahren 2017, 2018 und 2019 war sie zum Berliner Theatertreffen eingeladen. Parallel zu ihrer Theaterarbeit steht sie für zahlreiche Film- und Fernsehproduktionen vor der Kamera.Seit 2019 ist Franziska Hackl am Residenztheater engagiert.

Performing in

The director Elsa-Sophie Jach, who recently made her debut at the Residenztheater with her production of Herbert Achternbusch’s «Heart of Glass», brings the outrageous love poetry of «Europe’s first poet» to new life. Known for a directing style characterised by precise language and strong visuals, she hunts down the forgotten remains of Sappho’s poems, condenses them into a chorus and, on a tour through the literary canon together with the Munich techno live band SLATEC, she exposes the systematic erasure of the female voice, its silencing and the need for it to empower itself.

Die Unerhörten (The outrageous ones)
For the last time for now
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Tue 02 Jul

The Australian writer and director Simon Stone took Chekhov’s famous play as the starting point for his rewriting – voted «Play of the Year 2017» in «Theater heute» magazine – that combines rapid fire dialogue, subtle character studies and the ambivalence that arises from them while locating the play thematically in the here and now.

Drei Schwestern (Three sisters)
Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 09 Jun
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 05 Jul

Georg Büchner’s fragile fragment, one of the most important dramas in German literature, is based on the case of the soldier Woyzeck, who murdered his lover and was sentenced to death in 1824. Büchner was familiar with the facts of this historic criminal case which were detailed in legal, medical and psychological reports. He shows a murder of jealousy and the events that lead up to it: Woyzeck, «a good chap and a poor devil», forced onto the lowest level of society financially, humiliated by his superiors, experimented upon by science, is exposed to a radical lack of empathy from the world around him. As a result, he becomes guilty, once his fears, instincts and desires break out obscenely from inside him.

Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 28 Jun
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After Orestes’s bloody revenge on his mother Clytemnestra for her murder of his father Agamemnon, he flees from the angry goddesses of vengeance. He seeks sanctuary in the temple of Apollo and appeals to the god for protection from the furies – but even Apollo is powerless against them, so Athena must decide Orestes’s fate. However, the goddess will not do so alone: a court of mortals who have sworn an oath to her will ultimately judge which murder weighs heavier: that of one’s mother or one’s husband.

Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Tue 18 Jun
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Wed 19 Jun
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Tue 16 Jul
For the last time for now
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Wed 17 Jul

After fifteen years in exile, Orestes returns incognito to his home city of Argos – the same city in which his father Agamemnon was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus on his victorious return from Troy. However, desire for revenge is not the reason for his spontaneous homecoming – it is the rumour of a mysterious plague of flies. When his sister Electra persuades him to stay, it gradually dawns on him that Clytemnestra and Aegisthus are not only cruelly oppressing the people, they have also implicated him in Agamemnon’s murder. Only then does Orestes decide to take action.

Die Fliegen (the flies)
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Thu 04 Jul
